Urban Archaeology community
EAA community for Urban Archaeology

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Urban Archaeology in Bern (4-7 september 2019)

At the Barcelona meeting, the EAA Community for Urban Archaeology was officially started. It was a highly dynamic session with a highly engaged audience. The result was a flying start for the community with big plans for the future. The community now has its own website, www.urbanarchaeology.org and our first meeting outside of the regular conferences last year in Rome. Also, the first book will be published in 2019. But now we are going to move further forward! To Bern, Switzerland!
We are organizing a roundtable session to discuss the position of archaeologists within the urban context over the next decade. The world is changing. There is a growing involvement of the public. Archaeological research is not always obvious, and archaeologists have to ‘fight’ other interests at stake. But also, huge steps can be made in archaeological research by using new scientific research techniques. On the other hand, at complicated sites with a huge amount of data, how to choose the right strategy within the financial constraints?
We are going to investigate together the most important topics at hand and create a top five list of themes which the community will develop during the next couple of years at the future conferences with our own sessions, discussions and publications. Participants at this session will be the participants of our community at work for a better future for urban archaeology in the decade(s) to come!
We hope to see you there at session #340!
For more information about the conference: https://www.e-a-a.org/eaa2019Bern_luftaufnahme.png

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