
17 December 2020, 10.00-11.00 AM CET: Launch of the book ‘Managing Archaeology in Dynamic Urban Centres’

17 December 2020, 10.00-11.00 AM CET: The official launch of the book Managing Archaeology in Dynamic Urban Centres, edited by Paul Belford and Jeroen Bouwmeester.

The launch will be hosted by the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands, who provided funding for the publication. The chair of the meeting is Jos Bazelmans (Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands).
The meeting will start with a short introduction of the EAA Urban Archaeology Community followed by a brief overview of the book, its content and the authors.
Then the first copies will be hand over to Felipe Criado-Boado, President of the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA) and Sophie Hüglin, former Vice-President of the EAA.

You are warmly invited to join this virtual meeting.

Link to the meeting: https://channel.royalcast.com/cultureelerfgoed/#!/cultureelerfgoed/20201217_1 

For more information about the book and its content:

Cover Large.png

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