- - - - NEWS - - - -
Good morning everyone,
just a quick reminder: it is still possible until Monday 10/2/2025 to submit a paper for our urban archaeology session called ‘Pecunia non olet?’ - archaeologies of urban waste management (session number 118). For more information about the session and to submit your paper please follow this link: https://submissions.e-a-a.org/eaa2025/.
We look forward to your contribution and meeting you in Belgrade!
all the best,
Admin - 10:32:01 | Add a comment
Hi all,
First of all, best wishes for 2025! I hope it may be a beautiful, healthy and archaeology-rich year for you!
In the first newsletter of 2025, some announcements:
EAA 2025
Our community’s session on Urban waste management has been accepted and it is now possible to submit proposals. [Read More…]
Admin - 16:40:41 | Add a comment
Hello all,
It has been about three weeks since the congress in Rome. What a great congress and a fantastic city!
We as Urban Archaeology Community can also look back on a good congress. [Read More…]
Admin - 09:18:18 | Add a comment
We are the EAA Community for Urban Archaeology. We exchange ideas, experiences, research, knowledge etc. all to improve archaeological research and heritage management in (highly dynamic) urban centres. We are part of the European Association of Archaeologists, but don’t represent the EAA as a whole.
Copyright EAA Urban Archaeology Community / J. Bouwmeester 2023
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